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Monday, January 29, 2018

DACA, The reason for the dream

So it turns out that when Donald Trump became elected as president, along came with him these crazy new ideas on immigration policies. Donald Trump is currently in the process of calling for a repeal for all DACA recipients! This means that over 800,000 young immigrants fate is currently hanging in the balance. If Congress does not come up with a notion against Trump's idea, all of these people would be in line for deportation proceedings. Some of these people have never even seen the country they might be deported too, or even speak the language of that country. People who have grown up all their lives believing inside and out that they are Americans, now have to face the uncertainty that may come along with Trump's new idea. Hopefully, this blog will give some insight into this horrible possibility to the few people who did not know of it.

Below is a helpful link for a bit more clarity on the DACA repeal.

Hope my blog managed to enlighten at least one person. Special thanks for reading all the way from Houston, Texas at Lone Star College - CyFair.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

DACA, The reason for the dream

So, what is DACA? For the people that don't know, it stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival; basically protection from being deported while staying in the United States without having a current legal resident status. When Obama took office, he introduced the DACA program for young people everywhere to have the opportunity to look forward to a future without hiding in the shadows with the fear of possibly being deported at any moment. What the DACA program does is gives temporary protection to those people with no status and gives them a chance to go to college or work and be an asset to the economy of the United States. Now that you know what DACA is and what it stands for, are you ready to hear all the commotion about this? View the next blog to find out.

DACA, The Reason For The Dream

With all the commotion going on about immigration right now, I figured why not talk about the importance of having recipients of DACA protected from deportation. My name is Derick Miller and although I am not a DACA recipient myself, I can't help but empathize with the people who are receiving it. I decided to write this blog for people to be able to better understand the situation these kind of people are in. A better understanding of what DACA is and why it is important should highlight the necessity of the program and hopefully after much exposure, cause enough of an uproar for legislation to do something about the up and coming decision on the fate of the people of DACA.